Dedicated to Helping Clients Unlock Inherent Value & Create New Value

by David H. Fater
ISBN (13): 978-0-470-49656-5
ISBN (10): 0-470-49656-8
Cost: $39.95
Paperback: 224 pages (estimated)
Available everywhere February 9, 2010
Brief Description: A simple and effective guide to the mechanics of finance and corporate structure
• Explains ways to form a business and finance it
• Reveals how to avoid securities laws pitfalls
• Practical terms and examples of the necessary mechanics of finance and corporate structure
• Helps analyze the decision to "go public" and provides pointers on operating a public company
- EOM (Executive Outsourcing Model)
- ARS (ALDA Rapid Solutions)
- Financing Assistance
- Mergers and Acquisitions / Due Diligence / Post-Merger
- Intellectual Property and Regulatory Affairs (FDA)